Education for
Sustainable Development

Education for sustainable development center was created with the objective of providing a continuous learning journey for Heliopolis University students & academic staff by making knowledge resources available, both locally & internationally.
Building a community for both students & academic staff, both separately & integrated, creates room for sharing thoughts, discoveries, and learning & teaching approaches.
Become a worldwide connected lighthouse for unfolding human potential and inspiring transformative models for personal development worldwide.
To provide lifelong learning for all age groups based on a holistic worldview, including art, scientific research, and practical experience.
To become a knowledge hub that serves the sustainable development of communities.
- SEKEM Vision Goals
- SVG 1: Lifelong Learning & Potential Unfolding
- SVG 14: Integral organizational development & leadership
- SVG 15: Equality & diversity
- SVG 16: Social transformation
- UN Sustainable Development Goals
- SDG 1: No poverty
- SDG 4: Quality education
- SDG 11: Sustainable cities & communities
ESDC created several programs to empower development of both the students & academic staff as follows:
1.Education for Sustainable Development Program
Aimed at HU’s Academic Staff, the program offers a lifelong learning journey in the form of elective & mandatory courses as well as lectures & seminars aimed at providing resources to advance their knowledge & teaching skills.
The program is delivered within the staff’s day-to-day schedule & is designed in various formats; from workshops, courses & seminars, to community based learning & on-ground field visits.
2.Graduates Leadership Program
Aimed at junior HU academic staff members as well as HU graduates who joined SEKEM Group, the program equips its participants with the necessary skills, knowledge, and mindset to excel in their careers & take on leadership roles.
Some of the program’s goals include: Developing self awareness, enhancing communication & interpersonal skills, leading teams effectively, embracing ethical leadership, cultivating research collaborations, and cultivating leadership & mentoring relationships.
3.Community Based Learning – CBL
Aimed at Heliopolis University students, the program creates room for the students to apply the curricula taught in their faculties during diverse on-ground activities & initiatives that help advance the community.
ESDC started the program in collaboration with the Rural Development Center’s 13 Villages initiative, which surrounds the SEKEM community in Sharkia, and extended its impact to the Oasis Community as well; with the objective of finding solutions for the community’s needs & providing space to merge the academic knowledge with practical hands-on experience for the students.
CBL happens in collaboration with HU faculties of engineering, physical therapy, business & economics, and pharmacy.
4.Leadership for Sustainability Program
Aimed at HU students, the center’s newest program creates a unique experience that happens during the educational journey of the students over the years to prepare them for leadership roles in life.
The chosen students are committed to the program’s element & get the chance to live together in the SEKEM Community.
The program is based on developing the professional, spiritual, emotional, physical & rational skills of the students, while being supervised & coached by a team of experts through this journey to become future leaders and change agents in their local communities and all over Egypt.
- SDG 1: No poverty
- SDG 8 : Decent work & economic growth
- SDG 9: Industry innovation & infrastructure
- SDG 12: Responsible consumption & production
- SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
- SVG 1: Lifelong learning & potential unfolding
- SVG 10 Circular economy
- SVG 12: ethical finance
- SVG 13: Responsible consumption & sustainable lifestyle
- SVG 14: Integral organizational development & Leadership
- SVG 16: Social transformation